          US soldier gets 35 years in deaths of 4 Iraqis US soldier gets 35 years in deaths of 4 Iraqis 1. Do not blame me to have a say to this military case, blame military to have this case showing up in front of my eyes.2. "Col. Jeffrey Nance, the judge overseeing the proceedings, told Mayo that he "entered into an agreement to commit premedi 房地產tated murder" that saw the four Iraqi men shot in the head by the side of a canal in Baghdad between March and April 2007." ( ) As per the above reporting, Col.Jeffrey Nance the judge overseeing the proceedings must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. The 賣房子reason Col.Jeffrey Nance must be killed and go to hells: 1. obviously Col.Jeffrey Nance too stupid bad ugly evil to know that only military Court in Baghdad can have the right to try Mayo; because only military Court in Baghdad can have the common sense to know and understand special situation at the front line. 2. Col.Jeffrey Nance obviously showed cowardly to face the name of I 關鍵字廣告raqi race problem. You dare send your military into foreign area, you must have the guts to stand firm to support your military force to kill the evil racist. This is why you have to try this case in Iraq, so that to show your honest, fair and balance righteous guts to face Iraqi good better best, stupid bad ugly evil questions in front of your military court. Iraqis not like you stupid bad ugly evil Amer 票貼ican liar President Bill Clinton and 0bama eyeless earless unteachable. They know how to blame God first before blame you stupid bad ugly evil American liars. 3. The most evil enemy is not that who like you have fire arms on hands (this may explain how come you must respect every Iraqi can have the right to own fire arms to kill. USA military force need to tell iraqi government to make law to clearly say every one in Iraq must have 591 to bring fire arms along with him all the time, any Iraqi man dare go out without armed must be deserved to be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Any Iraqi woman dare go out without a armed man companied, must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Had Mainland China government done policy like this during Japan-China 8 years war, Chinese would have had better off today. Every man and woman will die sooner or later, to di 烤肉食材e under one good gun shot forcelessly, the best way to leave. ), the most evil enemy is you can sense invisibly but you have no way to deal but kill(Your President is not powerless like me, therefore, you may not kill me simply because you dislike me, you must kill your President when your President disliked by you; that how USA politicians must have no right to show up in any foreign country, anyone of them showing up in foreign country, must be more deserved to be kill 商務中心ed and go to hells than any that country jailed criminals. That how all foreign Embassy must be deserved to be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later.), that how you have to respect every one to kill at self-consciousness, that how Mayo just did the duty to kill in order to do his job faithfully. 4. "He pleaded not guilty to obstruction of justice in the incident, which happened while he was deployed in Baghdad. Military prosecutors later dropped that charge." 設計裝潢/s/ap/20090330/ap_on_re_eu/eu_germany_us_iraq_deaths. As per the above report, the military prosecutors already lost their moral authority to be military prosecutors, because military prosecutors must have to be subjected to the highest standard, must not be allowed to follow the civilians prosecutors low lower lowest to show any liar crime. Therefore, when you show a bit of lie, you have to drop all your voice. 5. You want to play racist care, Mayo must have the right to seek the bottom line, because his name showed he 烤肉食材 must be Latino-Hispanic, there's no way any Latino-His.panic coward can have the guts to say any thing against your abusive sucking military court, he's soldier, you want he die, he dare not say no; you want him to lie, how dare he keep his honest guts. Mayo deserves his honor as a soldier, you have no right to dishonor him. It is Col.Jeffrey Nance too suck to deserve that honor in the name of judge.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣房子  .

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